Sunday 27 October 2019

The right branch? An intermission

Of the first (and only?) encounter between our heroes and the Arch-Eavesdropper of Nehwon. Of a cross-over and a crossing over. 

Moving cautiously along the passageway, Krud and Ildore began to sense that they were not alone.  Small creatures would pass in front of them on the dusty floor, or flit above them near the roof. Still more could be determined by the yellow glow of tiny eyes that would appear and disappear around them. None of these beings, however, would show themselves in the lantern light.
After what seemed a long trek, and an encounter between Krud's thick brow and a low-hanging stalactite, the pair discerned an orange glow ahead. Ildore covered the lantern.
Approaching a slight bend in the passage, first Krud and then the Hedge-Wizard poked their heads round and looked into a vast cave with many tunnels leading from it. To their left was a great gate, iron-studded and firmly shut. Before the gate, squatting beside a small fire, was a large person (?) completely covered by a shabby hooded cloak. Every so often the cloaked-one would pick up a potsherd from a pile beside it and bring it close to the hood. A number of eyes on long stalks would then emerge to scan what was marked on the sherd.
Eventually one of the eyes turned to stare directly at where the twain lurked, transfixed.
"Come out children. Join me by the fire." The thin voice of the Many-Eyed One quavered from beneath the hood. The two adventurers, feeling a little embarrassed, bravely approached, Ildore heroically playing rear-guard behind the broad barbarian.
"Ah, its you two" piped the hooded creature.
"Have we met?" grunted Krud.
"Yes and no. Possibly not yet" was the answer.
"How glib" muttered Ildore, sotto voce.
"Indeed. The last tunnel on that wall will take you to where you call home. Now scurry along for I hear two more shady characters coming to visit my humble abode".

Ningauble of the Seven Eyes

As Ildore and Krud walk into the tunnel they were directed to they hear a voice merrily call out "Fat-bellied rumour-monger. Must you forever play at peep-show?"*
Glancing back, Ildore sees two figures standing before the fire. A small man dressed all in grey, and a large red-headed man who is clearly a warrior. Six eyes on stalks have snaked out of the hood of the seated figure... Our heroes follow the tunnel for some distance.

Emerging at last into the day-light they see a large warhorse and a small pony tethered to a tree. There are bulging saddle-bags and canteens attached to the saddles of these mounts.
"I hope there's wine in one of those skins!" barks Krud, "Mount up old man! Adventure awaits!!"
"I thought it probably would" grumbles Ildore….

* quoted from Adept's Gambit by Fritz Leiber.

Saturday 12 October 2019

Two against Gamma World?

“Is it still there?” says Ildore.
The party are crouching behind a ruined, overgrown wall.
“Yep, and it still looks like a very large rabbit. It can’t be dangerous…” responds Krud.
“Sounds like a Pooka; very magical creatures. Keep down.”
(In fact, it’s a Hoop. 2m tall intelligent mutated Rabbitoid).
The Pooka has its back to them and is watching some six-legged deer grazing. It slowly raises a staff like object, sights along it and there is a flash followed by a loud retort. One of the deer falls down. The others flee.
“Dangerous indeed” mutters Krud.

The party creep away.

As the day wears on the adventurers spy a large rough entrance-way dug into a low hill.
“This looks like our sort of thing” says Krud. “Tunnels, treasure…”.
“Tunnels and Troubles, more like” his comrade replies, reaching in his bag for the artefact that fires red beams (Laser Pistol).
(Note: for this game I used the Badder Warrens Map but repopulated to make it a bit less demanding as the party is small and comparatively weak)

Inside the entrance is a steep slope that brings the adventurers to
H. A rough cavern dug out of the ground. It’s empty so they move quietly through a short tunnel to
G. Peering cautiously into the next cavern Krud spots two large creatures are squatting on the floor, chewing on black root-like vegetables. Spears are leaning next to the wall behind them. There is another tunnel immediately to the right but it seems impossible to get to without alerting the guards. Krud takes another approach. “Good day Gentlemen” he says drawing his sword as he approaches them. The Guards leap up, surprisingly quickly. (These are Badders. Yes, they are mutated badgers and they are highly aggressive). “Have a care, Sir” says the Android usefully. “Almost forgotten you were there Val” grunts Krud. The fight is not as easy as Krud imagined, however he prevails but takes a nasty wound from a stone tipped spear. Ildore uses the Medi-Kit to patch him up. Moving through the right-hand tunnel they come to
A. This is clearly a large meeting hall with a number of tunnels leading from it. It is dimly lit by a guttering torch. There is a roughly made seat or throne (for the Chief Badder?) but nothing that looks worth keeping. Krud spots movement. A badder has scurried away down the South-East tunnel. “We’ll go this way” he says, indicating the North-West exit. They move carefully through the tunnel to
B. This is a larder. There are piles of roots and some foul-smelling meat of dubious origin. In the North-East corner Ildore finds a hidden doorway that makes his skin tingle as he gets near it. “There’s some seriously strong magic here” he says. The air is suddenly filled with the sound of thundering paws. The Badder tribe have been roused against the invaders! Krud draws his sword with the sort of fatalism that Northern Folk are renowned for, but Ildore has a far more attuned sense of self-preservation; pressing the Laser Pistol into the surviving hand of the Valet3000 he shouts “You hold them off Val, while we get help”. Grabbing Krud he drags him to the Magic(?)Entranceway, mutters a little prayer to the God of chance and
Krud and Ildore find themselves in a rough stone passageway…

Sunday 6 October 2019

4AD Game - Off Piste


I purchased my copy of Gamma World (1st edition 1978 TSR) in about 1979/1980 but never actually played it - I did start populating a small area of the Campaign Map but it became another of those projects that didn't fly. 
Having sent my 4AD characters off-world at the end of Game 5 I used this as an excuse to revisit Gamma World.

The Creatures in Gamma World are tough and were watered down somewhat for the benefit of my 4AD characters. One of the features I liked in the game was the flow charts for investigating old technologies. I created a simplified d6 version for 4AD.

4AD/Gamma World Game 1: Strangers in a Strange Land

When we left our intrepid Adventurers, they had been tricked by the Bishop of The Brotherhood of Night into obtaining a ring that has transported them outside of their world to a very different place indeed…
Following a vague track into the valley, Krud the Warrior and Ildore the down-at-heal Hedge Wizard spy a semi-submerged building; determining this to be a good place for possible treasure/food/shelter they head towards it. On their way they encounter a strange man-sized, man-shaped figure…
“It looks like a statue” says Krud, inspecting the figure.
“*&%$£%!” responds the metal man.
“What’d it say?” says Krud, leaping back and levelling his sword.
“Sounded like, oilcan” replies Ildore, “whatever that means”.
“*(&£$&$%”£… correlating…errorrrr..Good Day Gentlemen. How can I be os assissstan ^£$^$*?” the figure responds.
“Tell me your name Statue, and why I shouldn’t take your head off?” says Krud in his best threatening voice.
“I am a Valet3000, Sir, made by the Sinclair Corporation to serve the domestic needs of the modern Gentleman. Do you need anything ironed, Sir? Removing my head will void your warranty Sir; I wouldn’t recommend that course of action.”
“Alright Val, you look harmless enough. I’ve never had a servant, and slavery is an afront to humanity… you can come along with us as a Brother in Arms. Here, carry my pack.” Krud sets off down the track towards the ruined building followed by his new domestic.
Ildore gives the android a suspicious look, shrugs and follows them.

The party cautiously approach the sunken structure. There is a shallow slope down to a wide entranceway with a clearly well-worn track that is littered on its sides with random scraps of metal, bone and less-recognizable materials. What appear to be metal doors on rails that slide into the wall to both sides are almost wide open and obviously haven’t moved for a long time. Krud takes the lead, shield raised and sword ready; Ildore clutches his fire-ball staff and the lantern. A throat-clearing noise makes the twain turn their heads; “I would not advise entering this building, Sir. My sensors suggest it is occupied” says the Valet3000.
Krud enters the building, followed by the Wizard. There is sufficient light to see part way down a dusty corridor. As they move forward, they encounter two doorways on the side walls. The right-hand opens into a dark room; the left has a closed, blank door.

Building Plan

A. Ildore holds the lantern up as Krud moves into the room. There are piles of broken furniture, including unusual chairs on little wheels. One wall is lined with some sort of machinery that has been heavily vandalised. As they walk in wall-lights dully flicker in an attempt to switch on, adding a little more clarity to the scene. “Nothing of value here” grunts Krud. Ildore senses movement above. “Look out!” 3 large shapes detach themselves from the ceiling (these are Blaash, a 1m long carnivorous mutated moth with a 2m wingspan). Ildore’s nerves lend speed to his reactions; he raises the fire-ball staff, and nothing happens. Dropping the useless staff, he whips out his dagger as the first creature swoops in. Krud is beset by the other two. The fight is frantic but quick. Ildore is confused about the failure of his staff; “Perhaps magic doesn’t work here” says Krud, hitting the nail on the head, whilst simultaneously stamping on an over-large moth’s head.
Moving back out into the corridor they inspect the opposite door. There appears to be no obvious way of opening it. Krud pushes against a black, hand-sized panel on the wall beside the door. A little light flickers on the panel. The door remains smugly shut. They move on.
B. The next door has a standard handle. On entering they see more piles of rubbish around the sides of the room with a thick layer of dust covering everything. Ildore thinks to look up on this occasion but there’s nothing above more troubling than some sagging ceiling tiles.
C. On entering the opposite room, our heroes are confronted by what appears to have been a storage area. Most of the shelves are depressingly empty, however at the rear of the room Ildore sees something interesting sticking out of the now inevitable pile of trash. After spending some time fiddling with the devise (see the Artefact Operation Flow Chart), which is about the same size as the Wizards’ flask, though rather lighter, he says, “I think it’s a machine for curing people..”   “That is a Standard Medi-Kit, Sir” remarks a voice from the doorway. “Thought you’d join us then Val?” Krud replies, “Come on, there must be some treasure here somewhere.”
D. Passing two more unopenable doors, the party reach the end of the passageway. Krud presses his ear to the final door. Cautiously entering, they are first hit by the smell. Something is clearly living here. Although currently unoccupied, the room shows all the signs of being the lair of an intelligent creature. One side of the room is taken up by a large collection of machinery in various states of disrepair. A rear door leads to a short flight of stairs going up to dense and impenetrable vegetation. A very solid looking box lurks in one corner; “Look Krud!” squeaks Ildore “the sign of the Black Sun! Just like on the ring the Bishop sent us to get!!” “That is a domestic nuclear generator, Sir. It is supplying the power to this structure. It’s stable, Sir. I detect no leaks”. “You talk in riddles, Val” Krud replies. “All this talk of leeks is making me hungry” mutters Ildore, “There’s nothing here, let’s go”. An aggressive sounding hiss makes all heads turn towards the doorway. What can only be described as a humanoid lizard (as that’s what it is) leaps at the party, swinging an axe (this is a Ssraath, a very aggressive, highly intelligent mutated lizard). Krud comes en garde in time to tackle the creature. The fight is tough but Krud prevails with only a few light scratches. On searching the corpse, Ildore finds a pouch on the Lizardmans’ belt containing a metal devise that appears to consist of a tube on a handle. While Ildore explores the function of this arcane contraption, Krud finds the leg of deer that the monster had brought back with him. “Food!” exclaims the warrior. “Oh dear!” says the Android, as a beam of red light emits from the object Ildore is holding; “I fear that you have removed my left hand, Sir. It may be sometime before I can find a replacement.” “Sorry about that, Val” says Ildore “Still, this object may come in handy, no joke intended…”

Saturday 5 October 2019

Link to Games previously posted

Back in 2017 I started playing Four Against Darkness (4AD), published by Ganesha Games (LINK) . Some early games were posted on my other blog. Here are links to the write ups. The next post should feature a follow-up to the events in Game 5 below. 



Once upon a time, long, long ago, a twelve year old got his hands on three little books entitled Dungeons & Dragons; this moment was the start of an on-again, off-again relationship with the strange world of Role Playing Games.
Back in the 1970s and early 1980s, the games were played with like-minded (nerdy) friends; nowadays they're all played solo but the sense of fun is still the same. Like my tabletop Wargaming, for me RPGs are all about a creative outlet (for the madness within) and about telling myself stories, which I've done for as long as I can remember.

This blog is intended to be a record of the stories that emerge from the games, with perhaps the odd bit on the technicalities of the RPGs themselves (or perhaps not).

A note on influences. The original Gygax/Arneson works have obviously been a major influence. Tunnels and Trolls (by Ken St Andre et al) was probably my most played RPG in the early 80s as it had more of a sense of humour (by then D&D had got terribly big and serious - a bit like Games Workshop!) and lots of Solo adventures. In terms of Fantasy literature, Fritz Lieber is my go to author and my creations do tend towards his World of Nehwon. Terry Pratchett's works are also a big favourite.
Borrowed from D&D Volume 3 (1974)